Campground Needs


The goal of the Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless at the GOTR Homeless Campground is for every campground resident to be individually assessed and assisted in planning for and achieving permanent housing, including the following needed elements:     
·         An income stream
·         Documentation, including ID, social security card, and birth certificate
·         Communications capability, including a phone and mailing address
·         Health care, including needed treatment programs
·         Resolution of legal obligations
·         Filing of housing applications
·         Other needs & responsibilities, including family, education, community 
Thirty-two assessments have been completed during the two weeks beginning February 13, 2017. A review of the assessments demonstrates the following needs:
·         About a dozen campers assessed are able-bodied, are available for work, and are interested in getting work. The Alliance could assist with this through the encouragement of job offers from the community, putting up of a work board at the camp for the posting of job opportunities relevant to campers, establishing regular hours for people to stop by with day labor opportunities, and the posting of work wanted listings on our campground website featuring profiles and resumes of available campers. To facilitate this work, the appointment of a Jobs Coordinator is needed.
·         Several campers need assistance in applying for food stamps (SNAP) and other benefits through DSHS, as well as for Social Security Disability benefits, and possibly VA benefits.  The Alliance assists with this through the appointment of a Benefits Coordinator.
·         A variety of campers are lacking documentation, and the Alliance assists with this through the appointment of a Documentation Coordinator.
·         More than a dozen campers are eligible for but don’t currently have Obamaphones, and need assistance in applying for them. Appointment of a Phone Coordinator helps with this.
·         Several campers have health care needs, and benefit by Alliance assistance in getting to Comprehensive Healthcare or other providers, as well as coordinating health provider visits to the camp.  Appointment of a Healthcare Coordinator facilitates this. 
·         Many campers have unsatisfied legal obligations or other legal issues, for which an Alliance Legal Issues Coordinator is needed to coordinate assistance.
·         Many campers have already applied but others need assistance in applying for and securing permanent housing, for which an Alliance Housing Coordinator helps. 
·         Several campers are interested in further training and education, for which an Alliance Education Coordinator is helpful..
·         A variety of campers are in need of bicycles to increase their mobility, and an Alliance Bike Coordinator has been appointedto facilitate the acquisition of free bikes. 
·         Some campers have indicated an interest in community service, for which appointment of an Alliance Community Service Coordinator would be helpful, to work with the Jobs Coordinator.  

To volunteer as a coordinator for or to assist with one or more of the above tasks, please email, or phone 541-203-0122.    .


Do you have a bike you have not ridden for a long time and may not do so in the future? Homeless men and women at the campground can put them to good use right now! Campers need transportation to go to appointments or to find and keep a job. A bike helps people exit the campground as soon as possible and be connected to our community.  Please consider making a donation. The bike does not have to be in perfect condition as we have people able to make minor repairs. A volunteer will even come pick it up! For more information or to donate, please text or call Peter at 815-252-5840.

Used backpacks, as well as cash donations to purchase $35 tents also needed.

Here are some general GOTR campground equipment needs.  In-kind donations other than bikes should be taken to the camp between noon and 4 pm, if possible, and dropped off at the camp office with an Alliance volunteer or camp council officer,  Cash donations should be sent by check to WWAH, PO Box 3431, Walla Walla WA 99362.  The Walla Walla Alliancefor the Homeless will provide a tax-deductible receipt for all donations.

General Camp Needs:
Propane tanks and bottles
LED Lanterns with rechargeable batteries
Gas for generator
Fire extinguishers
Financial contributions for miscellaneous expenses.